Welcome to CacheVote!

What is CacheVote?

CacheVote is an extension for Geocaching.com that can be used to rate the quality of caches. The extension adds new controls to the geocaching website that let you rate geocaches directly on the page (e.g. when logging). It also shows you the average rating of other users.
CacheVote will be the successor of gcVote (which unfortunately has not been working properly for a time). At this point, I want to say thank you to BonnerGuido for supporting me.

There are 225633 individual reviews for 188686 different caches from 272 registered users.

This is what a cache description looks like if you have cacheVote installed:

CacheVote is a project that I develop in my spare time.
If you'd like to support me, you can easily do this by posting feedback, reporting a mistake, or making suggestions for improvements. You can do this here.
Another possibility is to translate into other languages. If you are interested, write an email to dev.fabian.schedler@gmail.com.

There are regular costs for the server and domain. If you like my work, show your appreciation and support the development and maintenance of the service.